Un coup, il y a grève. Un coup, il n’y a pas grève. Un autre coup, il y aura peut-être grève… Difficile de savoir quelle attitude et quel uniforme adopter chez Air France. Gréviste ou non gréviste ? Si les pilotes continuent à planer dans la plus grande incertitude, le personnel au sol, lui, est de plus en plus désemparé !
One day, strike is announced. Next day, no strike. Another day, maybe strike will shortly begin… Hard to know which attitude and which uniform is the best at Air France. Striker or non striker ? If pilots are still getting high with huge incertitude, the ground staff feels more and more helpless !
Strike is in the air 🙂
If they do go on strike, the picket lines would be a sight to see…. 🙂